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What is Your "WHY" ?

If you want to make changes in your life, then you have to know your “WHY”. Your why is the reason that you get up every day.

There are many of us who go through each day searching for our “WHY” Some of us may stumble upon it, while others make a successful discovery. There are also those who know their WHY but choose a different path because they get distracted or diverted by other pursuits.

So, what is your WHY?

WHY is your purpose; It is the purpose of our existence.

Many people are living in a state of dissatisfaction. They have given up hope or are merely surviving trying to make a living.

There is an author by the name of Eckhart Tolle who wrote a book called “A New Earth - Awakening Your Life’s Purpose” I found him on YouTube doing an interview with Oprah. And he states that we have two different kinds of purposes, an inner purpose and an outer purpose.

The inner purpose focuses on us living in the moment and being the best self that we can in the here and now.

One of the analogies that he gave was that most of us worry about paying our bills. But his philosophy is that even though you DO have to pay your bills, you DON’T have to worry about paying your bills.

Now, this gets a little too deep for me, but I will try my best to explain. The lesson to be learned is that you have a choice to either worry or not. Your main focus should be on the present moment. Your goal is to figure out what you need to do right here, right now in order to get that bill paid. And if you don’t have the answer, then you need to release the thought for another time.

He goes on to say, that if you have a bill but not the money, then put the bill aside and figure out what actions you need to take at this moment so that you can pay the bill. Maybe that is to call and make payment arrangements, ask a friend or family member for help, sell a kidney or whatever else you have of value…but if you can’t get the money then let it be, until you can figure it out…but don’t stress or worry over it.

I don’t know about you, but I think this type of philosophy is on a deeper level than where most of us are at. It is hard not to stress or worry, especially when your electricity is about to be turned off. But stress and worry are two things that keep us in a state of dissatisfaction.

The outer purpose is when you focus on the future such as: Where am I going? What am I doing? What direction should I take? What are the goals I want to achieve?

The outer purpose is what most of us can relate to. So, before we make any life changes, we need to know our “WHY”. Why are we seeking change in the first place?

In this article I am going to give you 6 major reasons why knowing your WHY or purpose is so important before you make any life changes.

The Major Benefits of Knowing Your Why”

It Provides Clarity In Your Life.

People who have a sense of purpose are often seen as being unstoppable. They are capable of shaping their lives in the ways they want. When you become laser-focused on your goals, you will have no question about what you are getting up each and every day to accomplish.

On the other hand, without knowing your purpose, you will be unclear about what you want out of life, and become prone to wasting your time on futile endeavors. This can leave you confused and cause you to lack confidence in your work.

It Infuses You with Passion for Your Goals.

When you know your purpose in life, you are more deeply committed to pursuing your goals. The idea behind this is that you will never have to settle for less than what you want in life.

The chances are slim that your ultimate goal is to work for someone else or be someone's assistant. You probably want to create your own way. This goal will be fueled by your passion.

It Keeps You Focused on Your Goals.

When you’ve identified your life’s purpose, it’s easier to focus on what truly matters. You’ll be better equipped to avoid distractions in order to achieve your vision. You’ll practice this trait in the workplace, at home, and in social settings.

To stay focused on your goals, they must be important to you. Your subconscious can try to trick you into believing that you want one thing, when in reality these things do very little to help you live out your purpose. For example, let's say you are entering college and your passion in life is art.

However, everyone you know is going into business or another field that is less subjective, so you tell yourself that majoring in business is what you want to do because that is what you feel like you “should” do. But doing so will not let you live out your purpose. If you are clear on what your “WHY” is, you won't waste time on trying to obtain pointless goals.

It Helps You Live Healthier and Longer.

Numerous studies have shown that having a purpose in life leads to longer lifespans in older adults. This may be because when you are living with a purpose, you adopt a prospective focus, looking forward to the day when your purpose is fulfilled. This causes everyday stressors to become less influential and have a smaller impact on your overall well-being.

It Helps You Develop Resilience.

People who have a deeper sense of purpose in life are better at finding meaning in the setbacks they experience compared with those who wander through life aimlessly. When you know your purpose, you have a feeling of mastery that helps you let go of anything that goes wrong in your life that is irrelevant to your core values. This means that you can learn from life's hardships and bounce back quickly from adversity.

It Allows You to Live a Life with Integrity.

Those who know their purpose in life understand who they are and what they are here for. They are more satisfied in general because they’re living true to their core values. When this is the case, a person doesn't have to put on a façade or act like they are passionate about a job that they truly dislike. Instead, their passion is genuine for everything they do, and they always show up as their true selves.

So What Is Your Why?

YouTube: Life Purpose – Eckhart Tolle -


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