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Pain Free in 9-Days!

Writer: gaiahealthgaiahealth
"Now, if you have never tried CBD oil, then it may be hard to understand how anyone can go to sleep one night and wake up the next day with no pain…but that is exactly what happened to me."
Joyce Melissa - Pain Free in 9-Days
Hi, I'm Joyce Melissa and This Is My Testimony!

I remember when I was a child I would hear my grandmother talk about "going through the change" and I wondered, what does that mean?

Then later as my parents approached the middle age mark, they too started talking about "going through the change”. At that time, I was in my early 30's and felt like their analogy was of no concern of mine. It was just a way that old folks referred to getting older.

Mom 1965 - First Date With Dad

My mother journeyed through the change like a pro. She did not succumb to the treatments of hormone therapy. She was able to keep her composure as she feverishly fanned the uncontrollable heat of a hot flash. She battled the monsoon of sweat like a warrior. And she fought hard not to rip every thread of clothes off her body in search of relief while doing so.

​My father, on the other hand, did not appear to have experienced any changes, not even a mid-life crisis that I can remember. He would often joke and make light of the apparent uncomfortable situation my mom was experiencing.

Dad 1965 - First Date With Mom

​It was during these moments, my mother found no humor in the hormonal havoc of her body. She would quickly change from sweet and quiet to agitated, aggravated and crotchety in zero to 60 seconds. The little sense of humor she had, sizzled away as her body temperature increased; and with every degree hotter she became, my father's jokes became less and less funny.

It was only a matter of time before one of us (mainly my father) would hit her last nerve and the eternal volcano that was slowly brewing would erupt. But my father knew his limit and would stop before the point of wrath.

​Then one day it happened! For the first time in a half-century, I understood my mother's journey! When I turned 50 years old, I could feel my body changing. It wasn't noticeable at first. It crept up on me like a monkey stealing a banana…slow and then BAM!

Here I was entering into that dreadful world of menopause…I think it started some time when I was around 48-49 years old…but by 51, it was on!

​Here I was fighting menopause and quickly losing the battle. I too wanted to be a warrior, but I was feeling older and moving slower than my now 70-something year old mother. I would ask myself, “Is this part of ‘the change’?”

49 Years of Marriage - Dad's Last Christmas

I was about to surrender, but then I thought back on my mom, during her fight, and remember, no…she was still doing her thing back then and was full of life. She wasn’t creaking around like an old lady complaining about her aches and pains. Even as she approaches her mid 70's she still doesn't complain like I find myself doing at times.​

Now, if you know me, then you know that I am not a doctor…I am living my dream as a restaurateur. Recently, I have added entrepreneur, researcher, information curator, social advocate, writer and blogger to my credentials.

I was experiencing some minor body pains and skin issues. Through my research, that I self-diagnosed myself with having psoriatic rheumatoid arthritis.

STOP! Please understand my testimony is my testimony and I do not recommend anyone to self-diagnose or to use any type of natural remedies, or stop using prescription or over-the-counter medications before checking with a medical professional.​ Got it! Good! Let’s continue.

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I started using CBD (Cannabidiol) Oil on my own in September 2018. I tried three different companies. All three companies were reputable companies with great reviews, 3rd party testing and all that good stuff.

​Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to feel, because I didn’t feel anything when I began taking the first three products. The absence of effects led me to be lackadaisical when taking the CBD oil for my first 6-months.

As the market began to buzz about the amazing benefits of this miracle oil, that's when I decided to get more serious about incorporating the CBD into my daily regimen.

Since it didn’t seem to be doing anything for, I carelessly let myself run out of my last bottle of CBD oil. This is when I began to feel a difference, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was I was feeling.

As I continued with my due diligence and researched CBD oil, it finally occurred to me. What had been happening for the past 6 months was that my body was beginning to fix itself from the inside out and I didn’t even know it!

​I was excited! And since I felt good...really good, both physically and mentally I stopped taking the CBD oil. Firstly, I no longer had any CBD oil anyways. Secondly, why continue to take something when you feel better, Right? At least, that was my rationale.

For about 30 days I went without taking any CBD. Within those 30 days that I did without, my joint pain flared up with a vengeance and let me tell you, it hurt like a mofo. Some mornings I would wake up crying in pain...WTF was happening to me!

During my research, I found out that CBD does not fall in the “take as needed” category, it is a lifestyle change. I also came across a company that had a newly, patented supercharged CBD oil and another one on its way that focused on CBDa. I decided to purchase a bottle, mainly because it professed as being six to ten times more potent than the competition.

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Since I was experiencing so much pain, I was convinced that I needed something that was strong enough to do the job. And believe me when I say, this CBD oil really did change the future outcome of my well-being. I started taking this new product on January 9, 2019.

​Now, if you have never tried CBD oil, then it may be hard to understand how anyone can go to sleep one night and wake up the next day with no pain…but that is exactly what happened to me.

​But first, let me go back eight days. For the first eight days, approximately 1-week of me taking the CBD oil, I diligently took my dosages and wondered in the back of my mind, if I had gotten bamboozled out of my hard-earned money!

​​For eight days, I took my dosages and I still felt like crap!

  • I would wake up moaning with pain. I would have to literally roll out of bed because I couldn’t sit up.

  • I still had tear-jerking pain in my fingers. I was barely able to move them.

  • Each morning I had to place both of my hands in warm water before I could even brush my teeth because my fingers wouldn’t bend around my toothbrush.

  • I was barely able to button my shirt or tie my shoes because I couldn't get a firm grip.

  • I couldn't make a fist without my knuckle joints throbbing in pain because my skin felt like it was stretched thin from all the swelling and inflammation.

  • I found that walking was getting more difficult because my body pain had spread into my lower back, hips, knees, ankles and toes.

  • I had developed a rash and splotchy skin on my arms and legs over the course of 2-years.

  • I suffered from lower nerve pain in my back that permeated down my leg.

  • I couldn’t bend and could barely walk up the steps without my knee joints hurting.

  • I had an excess amount of uric acid in my blood which affected my right ankle and both big toes.

  • I would become winded after minimal exertion.

  • I couldn't sleep...I barely got 5-hours of sleep some nights.

Now let me just say, all this was happening and I was only 52, y’all. I could feel my body falling apart… my body was wreaking havoc against me and I didn’t know what to do to make it stop!

On January 18, 2019, I woke up. I laid in bed for a moment and stretched my body like I usually do. I expected to feel my pains and groan, like I normally did, but this time…on this day, January 18th (9-days since my first dose of CBD Oil), something was different.

I DID NOT groan in pain!

Say What?! Yeah, I know, right?

I too was a little perplexed. I laid there for a moment and moved my fingers and they curled up - with NO pain! I kid you not, I actually had to look closely at my fingers to make sure they were mine as I wiggled them back and forth. And for the first time in months they were loose, limber and my knuckles didn’t pop like fire crackers. I could even ball my hands up into which just days before, this had been an unachievable task.

I turned my focus to the rest of my body. I moved my waist from side to side, stretched my lower back and there wasn’t any back pain, hip pain, leg pain...NOTHING! All I could say was “No freak’n way” and then the next thing I said was “Thank you Jesus!”

​I have been using natural remedies off and on for a few years now, but ever since that day, January 18th, I have become a TRUE advocate of CBD oil, essential oils, herbal healing, plant medicines and all things derived from the bosom of Mother Nature. I have also curated several “Hero Products” that are saving my life, giving me back my health and allowing me to live a better quality of life!

There are so many CBD oils on the market and new ones are popping up daily. But I found a company with products that I believe in.

​I take my CBD oil every day. And with each day, I feel my body getting healthier, stronger and I’m feeling so much younger. My body is going through a change. But now, it’s a change for the better. I have the strength and the weapon to fight the battle of middle age like a warrior!

There has also been a change in my mood. I don’t feel angry all the time. I haven’t had a hot flash for at least 6 months, I sleep better, I wake up refreshed. I am more focused (see, I wrote this article).

The rash on my arms and legs is gone, although the discoloration is still there, but it’s gradually fading…I am truly amazed as to how much has changed in just a few days, when I had been suffering for two years.

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So, if you ask me what will you feel when you take CBD? Will you get the same results as I did and be pain free in 9 days? Maybe, but I really can’t answer those questions, because everyone’s body is different.

But if you do decide to add CBD Oil to your diet and you begin to feel the absence of pain, less stress, mental calmness, a happier mood, better sleep or the lack of anything else that is ailing you…then rest assure it is working!

​Thanks for Reading!!

Be Happy...Be Healthy...Be Natural

-- Joyce

Update: At the time of this post, I have been pain free for 11 months!!

To Learn More About My “HERO” Products>CLICK HERE<


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