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Jade Roller: Do You Need One In Your Life?

A few nights ago while winding down for the day, I started binge watching one of my favorite shows. The female character on the show was in the bathroom rolling this crazy and cute little mechanism with a stone attached to it across her face and was counting the strokes.

Immediately, I could tell that it looked like a piece of Jade stone attached to a wand. Jade is my one of my favorite stones, so I was intrigued. Of course, that was the spark of interest that ignited my research. I found what I was looking for with my first Google search!

Isn’t it cute! This amazing little gizmo is called a Jade Face Roller! Okay, are you as excited as I am?! Or am I a day late and dollar short, because this is brand new to me? Keeping up with beauty trends is almost as hard as keeping up with the Kardashians and definitely not at the top of my list of things to do.

There is always something new to try on the beauty scene whether it be putting CBD pain cream on your feet to keep them from hurting (Yes, the stars were doing this at one of the award shows), shiny new lipsticks, a sparkling eye shadow or a cool little face tool that aids in reducing puffiness. If I find it intriguing, then off to Google I go!

As I began to dig deeper into my research, I found that this adorable little beauty tool has been circulating on the Internet since 2017. It’s also called a facial massager, stone roller or crystal roller! Where have I been all this time? Don’t judge, but I’ve probably been binge watching too much Hulu and Netflix and disconnected from the real world for the past two years. But I’m here now!

Because I am frugal, okay, okay, because I am cheap, I have never had the luxury of having a professional facial massage. However, this little tool is inexpensive and has been touted to imitate the sensation of an aesthetician’s cold hands massaging your skin. Doesn’t this sound amazingly wonderful! The thought of being able to get a facial massage for a fraction of the cost may have spawned some questions!

What is this cool little gem, you may be asking?

Well, it looks like a miniature paint roller. But instead of having a soft sponge-like roller at the end, it has an oblong piece of stone/gem attached to one or both ends of the wand.

The jade facial roller is actually a Chinese skincaretool that has been used for thousand of years. Perfected throughout the centuries, this little facial massager was built to have a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

The larger sized gem stone is intended for the cheeks, jaw line, forehead and neck. The smaller stone is for the delicate skin under the eyes.

So, What does a stone on wand actually do, you may wonder?

Besides improving overall health and radiance to the skin, this magical little beauty device:

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Eliminates puffiness and inflammation of the skin

  • Minimizes under eye bags

  • Reduces face wrinkles and fine lines

  • Promotes lymphatic drainage

  • Reduces stress in the face and jaw tension

Hello, do I have your attention?! Especially those who have acquired what is known as “the permanent b*tch face”, come on now, you need to loosen up, okay!

Image Source: Amazon Product

This facial roller or facial massager is an incredible tool for both inner and outer beauty, plus celebrities and the beauty world are still talking about it even after two years. Of course something old is always made new again and facial massaging with stones has been a beauty ritual since ancient times in China, dating way back to the 7th century. So you know there must be some validity in the technique.

There is actually some science behind how this little thing works. The roller massages something called the lymphatic system, which is a network of tissues and organs just beneath the skin that is the body’s main major detoxification system.

Facial rolling is relaxing and de-stressing. It helps to physically firm the facial skin through gentle massage. It improves circulation, vitality and helps to freshen up your complexion and embed luminosity. Wouldn’t it be nice to glow?!

Stimulating the lymphatic system is the key to helping our face move the excess water that builds up and causes puffiness. Whenever there’s stagnant circulation or swelling at all in the face, massaging can help the lymphatic drainage flow into the proper channels and away from around your eyes and certain areas where it tends to settle.

The lymphatic system is important for a more glowing completion and healthier shin. When the lymph is flowing freely in the face, you will have clearer, healthier skin, without a build-up of toxins and fluids. So it sounds as if I need to get things flowing.

Are you curious about how to use the roller?

The roller is a universal tool for all skin types. It is great for cooling the skin, the lymphatic system and a nice way to complete your a.m. and p.m. facial routine. If you are experiencing any facial breakouts, like pimples or acne, the facial roller could indirectly help by stimulating certain hormones, providing a relaxing effect on one’s well-being and stress levels, which in turn affects acne. Just be sure to massage gently, as too much pressure could rupture pimples leading to further inflammation or breakouts.

The facial roller should always be used on clean, moisturized skin. This will prevent you from rubbing dirt or make-up deeper into your skin.

After cleansing and toning your face, smooth a few drops of facial oil or serum into your skin. This will help the massager to glide across the skin with ease and help the facial oil to absorb better. This procedure allows the roller to push the oil into the skin for better penetration and increasing the benefits. You can also place the stone in the refrigerator before using to achieve more refreshing, cooling effects.

The following directions have been recommended. Do each section about 3-6 times then move to the next section:

1. Start from your clavicle: Begin beneath the clavicle in a downward motion, starting from the midline downwards, then above the clavicle from the midline outwards. Repeat 3-6 times.

2. Move to the jawline and neck: Perform a sweeping roll under the chin towards the collar bone working outwards to the sides of the neck. Starting on the chin, work from the center outward and upward on the cheeks. Repeat 3-6 times.

3. Followed by the nose, lips and chin: Using the large roller, work from the nose to the ear. Continue with upper lip, lower lip, and the chin. At the chin, follow along the lower jaw line to under the ear lobe. Repeat on the other side. Repeat 3-6 times. 4. Next the forehead: Using the large roller, begin rolling from center of the hairline towards the temples on the right side, then left side. This may feel a little weird because there are not a lot of fatty tissues in this area. Repeat 3-6 times.

5. Ending with the eyes: Using the small roller, gently work around the eye area by rolling from the corner of the eye to the ear. Repeat 3-6 times.

How Often Should You Use Your Facial Roller?

It is recommend that you use your facial roller twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening after washing your face. However, you can use the roller as many times as you want, whenever your face needs a moment of soothing calmness.

Here are some additional beauty suggestions:

Keep the roller in the fridge for a cooling sensation, especially if your skin is feeling tired. This is like rolling an ice cube over your face for extra cooling and soothing.

The extra temperature drop will support circulation, natural collagen production, drain congested lymph nodes, rid the body of toxins and help with sinus issues.

The roller can be used by itself or in combination with your regular eye creams or serums.

Incorporating the roller into your nightly routine after applying your skincare products, will help boost circulation, which plumps and firms your face. This also helps products to absorb better into your skin.

How easy is it to clean the facial roller?

To clean the roller, simply wipe with a damp cloth and dry it with a soft towel. At all costs, avoid using very hot water and never soak or submerge the roller in water.

How to choose which crystal facial roller is right for your skin and energy.

These little crystal rollers are not only chic, they make for a beautiful vanity décor, because they come in three difference stone choices - Jade, Rose Quartz and Amethyst. I am not a gemologist but I do believe in the powers of crystals. Some people like the roller for the crystal energy that you are putting right into your skin which is an added benefit.

Jade Rollers

  • Balancing

  • Natural Cooling Properties

  • Known as the Stone of Eternal Youth

Jade is my favorite stone which is what caught my eye when I first discovered this little beauty gem while binge watching TV. It is also the most popular choice and there are a lot of options in the market place. Jade is a stunning green stone that holds a lot of meaning.

Metaphysically, Jade’s healing properties supports physical healing properties throughout the body. Jade is a happy stone that is frequently used in the global beauty industry, as well as Chinese medicine. It is praised for emotional healing and eliminating negativity. It is also known as the lucky stone and a symbol for prosperity, purity and tranquility, making it great for calming and balancing and absorbing negative energy.

Image Source: Amazon Product

However, some of these rollers on the market do not use real mineral stones. Instead, they are made with aventurine, hence the price. Aventurine and Jade are not the same, but they look similar. Aventurine is a quartz whereas Jade is either a mineral, Nephrite or Jadeite.In the gemstone world, Aventurine still has crystal benefits and is known as one of the luckiest stones which make it a must-have for inviting good luck and prosperity into your life.

The healing powers of Aventurine helps to promote harmony and balance while clearing away toxic emotions, de-stressing a frazzled body and calming a troubled mind which are common problems in our hectic lives.

Regardless of the difference between Jade and Aventurine, either one would be the stone of my choice. It’s the physical impact of the massager that I am looking for.

Rose Quartz Rollers

  • Soothing

  • Promotes Self-Love, Reflection & Acceptance

  • Known as the Stone of Love

Rose quartz stays cool whereas jade is adaptive in nature and tends to warm with skin contact. So rose quartz is better known for it's wrinkle reducing benefits. Also, this stone is a little more durable than jade which can encounter wear and tear with repeat use.

Plus, there’s no better way to give your skin some literal love than by using a rose quartz roller. Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and it works by opening your heart to all types of love, including self-love, romantic love as well as love of friends, family and everything on earth.

Love is the most powerful energy which makes rose quartz one of the most beneficial stones for healing and flooding the body with positive energy. The soothing vibrations of rose quartz help to calm emotions and revitalize the body, physically and emotionally.

By cleansing and rejuvenating the aura, it works to release stress caused by negative emotions, including anger and resentment. These harmful feelings are replaced with peace, faith and hope for the future.

Rose quartz is better known for its wrinkle-reducing benefits. Because jade is a soft stone and can encounter wear and tear with repeated use, a rose quartz roller may last you longer

Amethyst Roller

The cool new kid on block is the amethyst roller, which a long list of celebrities—including Jessica Alba and the Kardashians—are currently raving over. And the one I found on Amazon is absolutely gorgeous.

  • Stress Relieving

  • Cleansing of Negative Energy

  • Promotes Clarity & Relaxation

Amethyst is thought of mostly as a protective stone. The crystal is used to help heal physical ailments and the nervous system, provide hormonal balance, help with insomnia and stress, calm inflammation, and bring a sense of serenity.

The healing properties of Amethyst are especially useful in regards to work-related stress, because the stone is also associated with abundance. It is also helpful in purifying the mind and clearing away negative thought.

Despite using different crystals, jade/aventurine, rose quartz, or amethyst, basically all the rollers seem to do the same thing. The one major difference is their spiritual healing properties, if that is important to you.

Since your skin can show improvements with each of the three options, your choice really comes down to choosing which crystal you want to introduce into your skincare routine.

I purchased this jade roller from Amazon because it is 100% Jade, has great reviews and is budget friendly! I think we all deserve to pamper ourselves once in a while and I know this little gem is going to be an amazing addition to the beauty regime I plan to start in the near future.

Here are some of the testimonies that won me over: <<CLICK HERE>>

Article Written by Joyce Melissa of Gaia Health & Beauty


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